
Emaglink has been around for nearly 10 years now, we came together in Brisbane as a group of highly skilled web design professionals. Originally our team had been doing individual freelance work but we decided we could do more together! In that 10 years we\’ve worked on almost 500 different projects and if you include the work we did as freelancers then it would be much higher! We are all passionate about the industry and really love what we do. We also strive to create not only the most beautiful websites but also the most functional websites. Often people focus too much on how the website looks and not enough on the user experience and functionality.

People are often scared of website design thinking it is a huge costly endeavour, but it doesn\’t have to be! We offer a range of packages that will surely suit your needs, whether you need something quick and cheap or an extensive project we can help you out. Usually we do graphic design along side web design but we do have specific graphic designers who are incredible at what they do. If you are interested in starting a graphic design project then you can enquire with us about it.

The great thing about web design and graphic design is the fact that you can literally create someones dream. They come down for a chat and you work out what they really want, a bit further down the track you present what they had in their head and you see their face light up. That expression is truly an inspirational experience.

As IT professionals we\’ve seen the industry change quite substantially over the last 10 years, we make it our job to keep up with the industry standards. We even are pushing ahead of the curve with many of our team members speaking at conferences about their ideas for future web design and graphic design. We\’ve worked with some very large brands but we treat every client the same, whether you have 500 people visiting your site or 500,000 the process in which we treat your project will be the same we guarantee it!